IEFP announces application periods for Professional Internships measure in 2020
With reference to the employment support measures, IEFP – Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional, IP announced to open two regular application periods for Professional Internships in 2020, on the following dates:
- 1st period – opening on March 2 and closing on June 30, 2020
- 2nd period – opening on September 1 and closing on December 15, 2020
The Professional Internships measure constitutes an incentive for the insertion of young people in the labor market or for the professional retraining of unemployed people through the development of practical experience in the workplace.
This measure allows companies that comply with the respective requirements and formalities to benefit of a substantial financial contribution in the payment of the Internship Grant and applicable remuneration supplements.
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[Photo: Cytonn Photography, available at:]