Due to the evolution of the Angolan economy, the Ministry of Finance decided to update the list of Large Taxpayers which are subject to a special tax regime and to dedicated supervision as indicated in the Large Taxpayers Regime.
As it was the case in the past, large public companies, financial institutions, insurance companies, pension funds, oil companies, diamond companies, telecom companies and companies operating in a monopoly are considered to be large taxpayers by nature.
The list also includes taxpayers which are considered to be large taxpayers due to their operations’ volume.
Newly included taxpayers shall register with the Large Taxpayers’ Unit within a 45-days deadline whereas excluded taxpayers shall return to their domicile tax office.
Open procedures shall continue their course in the tax office where they have started.
Even though not qualified as large taxpayers, some aviation companies shall also be subject to monitorization by the Large Taxpayers’ Unit.
[Photo: Jorge Sá, available at: unsplash.com]