European Commission Public Consultation on the review of the framework of the Markets in Financial Instruments

On 17 February, the European Commission launched an open public consultation on the regulatory framework of the Markets in Financial Instruments, foreseen in the Directive no. 2014/65/EU (MiFID II) and Regulation no. 600/2014 (MiFIR).

The public consultation aims to obtain the views of all stakeholders on the following subjects:

(i) Experience of two years of application of MiFID II/MiFIR regulatory framework;

(ii) Technical aspects of the current MiFID II /MiFIR regulatory framework, so the Commission can assess the impact of possible changes to the EU legislation; and

(iii) Any further regulatory aspects of MiFID II / MiFIR that the stakeholders would like to draw the attention of the European Commission.

The consultation period closes on 20 April 2020.

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[Photo: Adeolu Eletu, available at:]
