Diploma that regulates the Framework Law on Housing is published

Decree-law no. 89/2021, which regulates the Housing Framework Law regarding the guarantee of alternative housing, the pre-emption rights and the supervision of housing conditions, was published today in the Official Journal.

The diploma foresees the competences of several entities in the event of an urgent situation that implies the need for attribution of a property for housing and also the competences for the inspection of the housing conditions within the scope of lease agreements, establishing the supervisory competences of the Instituto da Habitação e da Reabilitação Urbana, I.P.  (IHRU, I.P.).

The Decree-Law also regulates the conditions under which the State (represented by the IHRU, I.P.), the Autonomous Regions and the Municipalities have pre-emption rights in legal transactions regarding properties for housing purposes, as well as the possibility for the municipalities, within the scope of the procedure for classifying a property for housing purposes as vacant when it is located in an area of urban pressure (areas where there is significant difficulty in accessing housing), to present a proposal for leasing the property to its owner, for subsequent sub-leasing.

The normative also includes the elements that must be included in the advertisements published with a view to the celebration of lease agreements for housing purposes and the respective sanctions in case of non-compliance.  The law will come into force on 4 November 2021.

Click HERE to access the diploma.

For more information, please contact us via e-mail jlp@ccsllegal.com

[Photo by Katya Shkiper, available at unsplash.com]
