Amendments to the licensing regime for cannabis plant related activities published

On 5th January 2022, Ordinance no. 14/2022 was published, setting out the requirements for applications and procedures for authorisations to carry out activities related to the culture, manufacture, wholesale trade, transport, circulation, import and export of medicines, preparations and substances derived from the cannabis plant.

This diploma amends Ordinance no. 83/2021, of 15 April, as follows:

  1. Clarifies the scope of the culture of the cannabis plant for industrial purposes, setting it apart from the procedures to be followed for the culture of this plant species for other purposes, namely medicinal;
  2. Details the procedures and technical requirements applicable to the culture of cannabis for industrial purposes, with the aim that cultivation is conducted in the best agronomic conditions;
  3. Precises some of the licensing requirements foreseen within the scope of the authorisation process for activities related to cannabis for medicinal purposes.

Click HERE to access the diploma.

For more information, please contact us via e-mail

[Photo by: Paul Einerhand, available at]
