Government approves Regulation for the Operation of the Integrated System for the Electronic Registration of Waste
Following the legal amendments introduced by Decree-Law no. 102-D/2020 of 10 December, which approved the new Waste Management General Regime, Ordinance 20/2022 of 5 January was published establishing the new Regulation for the Operation of the Integrated System for the Electronic Registration of Waste.
As a reaction to the evolution of computer systems and electronic recording of data, this diploma updates and adapts the rules in force regarding the recording, submission and storage of data on the production and management of waste, to products placed on the market covered by legislation on specific waste flows, to waste covered by the declassification regimes, as well as regarding the transmission and consultation of information.
Click HERE to access the diploma.
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[Photo by: Radowan Nakif Rehan, available at]