Simplification of requirements for PIT, CIT and VAT instalment payments

Decree-Law 125/2021, of 30 December, established exceptional schemes of payment in instalments for 2022 allowing for the payment in three or six monthly instalments, of a value equal to or greater than EUR 25.00, without interest or penalties, of the amounts due in respect of VAT and PIT and CIT tax withholdings for the first half of 2022.

Aiming to adapt this payment flexibility regime to the changing economic situation, the Assistant Secretary of State and Tax Affairs issued an order stating that it is no longer necessary for taxpayers to comply with the requirement relating to the decrease in turnover reported through the E-Fatura of at least 10% of the monthly average of the full calendar year 2021 compared to the monthly average of the previous year.

As a result of this, both natural and legal persons may access this payment flexibility scheme provided that they have:

i. Obtained in 2020 a turnover up to the ceiling of the qualification as micro, small and medium-sized enterprise (EUR 2M, EUR 10M and EUR 50M, respectively); or

ii. Their main activity registered under the economic activity classification of accommodation, restaurants and similar, or culture; or

iii. Started or restarted the activity on or after 1 January 2021.

Click HERE to access the document.

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[Photo by: Eric Rothermel, available at]

